The following ESTeem products are supported but no longer in current production. If you need any further technical information on any of the products, please contact Technical Support at or 509-735-9092 (Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Time).
210 Series – Licensed Long-Range Ethernet Radio
The ESTeem 210 Series long-range radio modem provides fast, secure and reliable industrial wireless connectivity when VHF and UHF bands are required for terrain coverage in Industrial, Public Safety, and Federal applications. Designed as the perfect radio solution for these markets, the ESTeem 210 long-range modem features one Ethernet port (10/100/1Gb) and one independent Serial RS-232C data port. The Model 210 is a narrowband compliant licensed Ethernet radio with selectable Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). Depending on the antenna used, this long range Ethernet radio modem delivers up to 64.8 Kbps of data rate over distances greater than 10 miles in high noise environments.

Product Documentation
Current 210C Firmware Version
Current Version: 201702020830; Release Date: February 13, 2017
Router Version: 201905101333; Release Date: May 10, 2019
For instructions on how to update the modem, please contact ESTeem Customer Support at 509-735-9092 or follow the procedures in the User’s Manual.
195E Series – Wireless Ethernet Networks
The ESTeem Model 195E Series, was designed for the rigors of the Industrial, Public Safety, and Federal markets. It was the first generation of high-speed, wireless modems with two Ethernet and one independent Serial RS-232C port. The Model 195E Series provides wireless networking with RF data rates of up to 54 Mbps, with a nominal 5 to 10+ mile range depending on the type an antenna used. Each of the following radios has their own web page that links to the technical documentation, user’s manuals, firmware updates and programming software.
January 1, 2022 – The Model 195E series radios are at end of life and can no longer be repaired
Product Documentation
ESTeem Model 195E Product Family
Model 195Eg Product Sheet
Model 195Ed Product Sheet
Model 195Es Product Sheet
Model 195Ep Product Sheet
Model 195Ea Product Sheet
Model 195Eg, 195E, 195Ep and 195Ea User’s Manual
Model 195E Software Utilities
ESTeem Network Configuration (ENC) Utility
The ESTeem Network Configuration (ENC) Utility is a software program designed to greatly simplify the configuration of your ESTeem Model 195E series of wireless Ethernet network. The ENC program will allow graphical, point-and-click configuration of your network routing and then configure each ESTeem wireless modem for the network as designed. The ENC program will eliminate the need to program or update each ESTeem wireless modem individually. ESTeem Models 195Eg, 195Ed, 195Ep, 195Ea and 195Es.
Configuring the ESTeem Model 192 for Narrowband Operation
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated that by January 1, 2013, all licensees and users of radio systems operating in the VHF 150 – 174 MHz and the UHF 450 – 512 MHz portions of the of the radio spectrum, convert their systems and radios so that they are operating on 12.5 kHz rather than the current wideband 25 kHz channels. This mandate has been put into place to bring about spectrum efficiency and as a result, to create additional channels to accommodate the demand of public safety and local government users.
The FCC has mandated that all licensees using wideband, 25 kHz radio systems migrate to narrowband, 12.5 kHz channels by January 1, 2013. Under the current FCC ruling, if you are licensee, operate, or use a system in the affected portion of the spectrum, you must comply with this FCC mandate. Licensees that do not meet that deadline face the loss of their licenses and the loss of communication capabilities.
All ESTeem Model 192 products are compatible with the narrowband requirements but need to be configured for narrowband operation. The following documentation and update files are provided: